1. There is no selling cost under perfect competition

A) perfect competition B) Monopolistic competition C) Oligopoly  D) Duopoly

Ans. Monopolistic competition

2. Which of the following systems in independent India goes against the very basic of democracy?

A) caste system  B) Economic system C)party system D) parliament system

Ans. Caste system

3. According to karal Marx, the change in economic system result in inevitable changes in

A) political system only  B) Social System only  C) the entire System D) religious System only

Ans. the entrie System

4.  The French Challenge to British in India came to an end with

A) Battle of Wandiwash  B) Battle of Srirangapattinam  C) Battle of Palssey  D) Battle of Buxar

Ans. Battle Of Wandiwash

5. Germany won the FIH Men’s Hockey World Cup 2023 in Bhubaneswar defeating

A) India B) Australia C) Belgium  D) England

Ans. Belgium

6. The red colour of ripe tomatoes is due to the presence of

A) Hormones B) Vitamin  C) Chlorophyll  D) Carotenoids

Ans. Cartenoids

7. Anticoagulants are not present in

A) Mosquito B) Bed bug  C) Leech  D) Wasp

Ans. Wasp

8.  Vegetation is effective in absorbing

A) Pollutant gases  B) polluted water  C) High frequency sound  D) Pollutant metals

Ans. High frequency sound

9. When person cries, three is a watery discharge from the nose due to activation of

A) Salivary gland  B) Lachrymal gland  C) Throid gland  D) Endocrine gland

Ans. Lachrymal gland

10. Which one of the following acts as a mediator between the user’s program and the hardware?

A) Complier  B) Editor  C) Operating System  D) Broswser

Ans. Operating System

11. If you use a front is not supported by a Broswser, then the text

A) Will be displayed in the default front  B) will displayed  C) will be displayed using ‘ ARAL’ front only  D) will be displayed with a particular background

Ans. Will be displayed in the default front

12. The pigment that protects plants from UV damages is

A) Chlorophyll  B) Xanthophyll  C) Phycoyanin   D) Carotenoids

Ans. Carotenoids

13. United Nations Conference on Enviroment and Development is called

A) Earth Summit  B) Water Summit C) Air Summit  D) Resource Summit

Ans. Earth Summit

14. A bioenergy source obtained by fermentation to Supplement fossil fuel petrol is

A) Kerosene  B) Ethanol  C) Diesel  D) Menthane

Ans. Ethanol

15.  The substance that causes the worst air pollution is

A) Smoke  B) Sulphur dioxide  C) Carbon dioxide  D) Carbon monoxide

Ans. Sulhur dioxide 

16. PVC is obtained by the polymerisation of

A) Propene  B) Vinyl Chloride  C) Styrene  D) Acetylene

Ans. Vinyl chloride 

17. To eliminate the glare of headlights in monitor cars,

A) Polaroids are used  B) glass Prisms are used  C) thin films are used  D) filters are used

Ans. Polaroids are used

18. The substance which have infinite electrical resistance are called

A) insulators  B) Condensers  C) Conductors  D) resistors

Ans. insulators

19. The headquarters of International Atomic Energy Agency is located at

A) Genevab  B) Washington  C) Vienna D) Sydney

Ans. Vienna 

20. The Frist women to conquer Mount Everest twise is

A) Suraj Lata Devi  B) Joyti Randhawa  C) Santosh Yadav  D) Suma Shirur

Ans. Santosh Yadav


21. Which one of following iron and steel works in India is not under public sector?

A) Bokaro B) Jamshedpur C) Bhilai D) Durgapur

Ans. Jamshedpur 

22. Which Indian Hockey player has a road named after him in Germany?

A) Dhayan Chand  B) Zafar Iqbal  C) Roop singh D) Dhanraj Pillai

Ans. Roop singh 

23. What is the name of the Frist research station established by Indian in the Antractica

A) Dakshin Gangotri  B) Maitri C) Agnihotri D) Aryabhatta

Ans. Dakshin Gangotri 

24.  Who among the following was awarded Padma Visbhushan in 2023 for his/her exceptional and distinguished service in the field of Art

A) Zakir Hussain  B) K.D. Patel   C) Suman Kalyanpur   D) Srinivas Vardhan

Ans. Zakir Hussain


25. Which of following states has the largest gap in male and Female literacy as per 2011 Census ( Provisional data)?

A) Uttar Pradesh   B) Madhya Pradesh  C) Rajasthan   D) Kerla


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