Seen and Unseen Passage

In a small village nestled between tall mountains, lived a young boy named Aarav. Every day, Aarav would go to the forest to collect firewood for his family. The forest was dense and full of tall trees that touched the sky. Aarav enjoyed listening to the chirping birds and watching the sunlight filter through the leaves.

One day, as Aarav was gathering wood, he heard a faint sound. Following the sound, he found a small, injured bird lying on the ground. Aarav gently picked up the bird and decided to take it home. He carefully nursed the bird back to health, feeding it and keeping it warm. After a few weeks, the bird was strong enough to fly again. Aarav felt a deep sense of happiness as he watched the bird soar into the sky.

Answers the following questions: (30X1=30)

  1. Where did Aarav live?

    • a) In a big city
    • b) In a small village
    • c) Near a river
    • d) In a desert
  2. What was Aarav’s daily task?

    • a) Fishing
    • b) Collecting firewood
    • c) Hunting
    • d) Cooking
  3. Where did Aarav collect firewood?

    • a) In the village
    • b) In the mountains
    • c) In the forest
    • d) Near the river
  4. What was special about the forest?

    • a) It had small bushes
    • b) The trees were short
    • c) The trees touched the sky
    • d) It was full of rivers
  5. What did Aarav enjoy in the forest?

    • a) Fishing
    • b) Listening to the chirping birds
    • c) Watching animals hunt
    • d) Watching the river flow
  6. What sound did Aarav hear one day?

    • a) The wind
    • b) A bird chirping
    • c) A faint sound
    • d) The sound of water
  7. What did Aarav find after following the sound?

    • a) A river
    • b) An injured bird
    • c) A treasure
    • d) A fellow villager
  8. How was the bird when Aarav found it?

    • a) Flying
    • b) Chirping happily
    • c) Injured and lying on the ground
    • d) Sitting on a tree branch
  9. What did Aarav do when he found the bird?

    • a) Left it alone
    • b) Took it home
    • c) Scared it away
    • d) Tried to catch other birds
  10. Why did Aarav take the bird home?

    • a) He wanted a pet
    • b) He wanted to nurse it back to health
    • c) He wanted to sell it
    • d) He wanted to show it to his friends
  11. What did Aarav do to help the bird recover?

    • a) Left it in the forest
    • b) Fed it and kept it warm
    • c) Took it to the doctor
    • d) Built a nest for it
  12. How long did it take for the bird to recover?

    • a) A few days
    • b) A few weeks
    • c) A few hours
    • d) A month
  13. What was Aarav’s feeling when the bird recovered?

    • a) Sadness
    • b) Anger
    • c) Happiness
    • d) Indifference
  14. What did Aarav watch the bird do after it recovered?

    • a) Walk around
    • b) Fly into the sky
    • c) Build a nest
    • d) Fly back into the forest
  15. Where did Aarav find the bird?

    • a) Near the river
    • b) On the ground
    • c) On a tree branch
    • d) In a nest
  16. Why did the bird not fly when Aarav first found it?

    • a) It was too small
    • b) It was injured
    • c) It was scared
    • d) It was sleeping
  17. What was the village surrounded by?

    • a) A lake
    • b) Tall mountains
    • c) Desert sands
    • d) Dense forests
  18. What was the weather like in the forest?

    • a) Snowy
    • b) Foggy
    • c) Sunny with sunlight filtering through the leaves
    • d) Rainy
  19. What did Aarav feel as he took care of the bird?

    • a) Excitement
    • b) Responsibility
    • c) Frustration
    • d) Fear
  20. What lesson did Aarav likely learn from the experience?

    • a) To be kind to animals
    • b) To avoid the forest
    • c) To be cautious of birds
    • d) To stop gathering firewood
  21. What was Aarav’s reaction when the bird flew again?

    • a) He was sad
    • b) He was scared
    • c) He was happy
    • d) He didn’t notice
  22. Which of these best describes Aarav’s character?

    • a) Selfish
    • b) Caring
    • c) Lazy
    • d) Angry
  23. How did Aarav likely feel when he first found the injured bird?

    • a) Confused
    • b) Compassionate
    • c) Indifferent
    • d) Annoyed
  24. What did Aarav most likely do with the bird after it recovered?

    • a) Kept it as a pet
    • b) Let it go
    • c) Sold it
    • d) Gave it to a friend
  25. What kind of trees were in the forest?

    • a) Short and bushy
    • b) Tall and touched the sky
    • c) Fruit-bearing trees
    • d) Thorny bushes
  26. How did Aarav feel about the forest?

    • a) Scared
    • b) Enjoyed the birds and sunlight
    • c) Frustrated
    • d) Angry
  27. What was the first thing Aarav did when he heard the faint sound?

    • a) Ignored it
    • b) Followed the sound
    • c) Ran back home
    • d) Climbed a tree
  28. How did Aarav likely carry the injured bird home?

    • a) In a bag
    • b) In his hands
    • c) In a cage
    • d) On his shoulder
  29. What did Aarav feed the bird during its recovery?

    • a) Fish
    • b) Seeds and berries
    • c) Meat
    • d) Grass
  30. What theme does this story reflect?

    • a) Adventure
    • b) Kindness and compassion
    • c) Competition
    • d) Mystery

Short Passage (Class 5 Level)

The Lion and the Mouse

Once upon a time, in a dense jungle, there lived a mighty lion. One day, after having a big meal, the lion fell asleep under a tree. While he was sleeping, a little mouse started playing nearby and accidentally ran across the lion’s face. The lion woke up angrily and caught the mouse with his big paw.

“Please let me go!” squeaked the mouse. “I promise to help you someday if you let me live.”

The lion laughed at the idea of the tiny mouse helping him but decided to let the mouse go. Days later, the lion was caught in a hunter’s net. He roared loudly, but he couldn’t free himself. The mouse heard the lion’s roar and rushed to help. The mouse chewed through the ropes of the net and set the lion free.

The lion was surprised but grateful. “Thank you, little friend,” he said. “You were right—small creatures can do big things.”

30 MCQ Questions

  1. Where did the lion live?

    • a) In a desert
    • b) In a jungle
    • c) In a cave
    • d) On a mountain
  2. What did the lion do after having a big meal?

    • a) Went hunting
    • b) Slept under a tree
    • c) Ran across the jungle
    • d) Climbed a tree
  3. What accidentally ran across the lion’s face?

    • a) A squirrel
    • b) A rabbit
    • c) A mouse
    • d) A bird
  4. What did the lion do when he woke up?

    • a) Let the mouse go
    • b) Caught the mouse with his paw
    • c) Started running
    • d) Ate the mouse
  5. What did the mouse promise the lion?

    • a) To bring food
    • b) To help him one day
    • c) To clean his den
    • d) To never come back
  6. Why did the lion laugh?

    • a) Because the mouse was scared
    • b) Because the mouse said it would help him
    • c) Because he was happy
    • d) Because he caught a bird
  7. What happened to the lion a few days later?

    • a) He got caught in a hunter’s net
    • b) He chased the mouse
    • c) He found a friend
    • d) He fell asleep again
  8. What did the lion do when he got caught in the net?

    • a) Slept
    • b) Roared for help
    • c) Ran away
    • d) Chewed the net
  9. Who heard the lion’s roar?

    • a) Another lion
    • b) The mouse
    • c) The hunter
    • d) A bird
  10. How did the mouse help the lion?

    • a) By calling for help
    • b) By chewing through the ropes
    • c) By pushing the net away
    • d) By giving the lion food
  11. What was the lion’s reaction after being saved?

    • a) Angry
    • b) Surprised and grateful
    • c) Indifferent
    • d) Afraid
  12. What lesson did the lion learn?

    • a) Big creatures are always better
    • b) Small creatures can do big things
    • c) Mice are not helpful
    • d) Lions never need help
  13. What did the lion say to the mouse at the end?

    • a) “You should run away”
    • b) “Thank you, little friend”
    • c) “I don’t need help”
    • d) “I will catch you next time”
  14. Who set the lion free from the net?

    • a) The hunter
    • b) The mouse
    • c) Another lion
    • d) A bird
  15. What did the mouse chew through to free the lion?

    • a) The tree
    • b) The ropes of the net
    • c) The lion’s paw
    • d) The hunter’s bow
  16. Where was the lion sleeping when the mouse ran over him?

    • a) In his den
    • b) Under a tree
    • c) By a river
    • d) In the hunter’s trap
  17. How did the lion initially feel when he caught the mouse?

    • a) Amused
    • b) Angry
    • c) Sad
    • d) Happy
  18. What did the mouse ask the lion for?

    • a) Food
    • b) To let him go
    • c) Shelter
    • d) A place to hide
  19. What did the lion do when the mouse ran across his face?

    • a) Smiled
    • b) Caught the mouse
    • c) Ran away
    • d) Slept again
  20. Why did the lion let the mouse go?

    • a) He thought the mouse would help him later
    • b) He didn’t believe the mouse could help him
    • c) He was too tired
    • d) He was afraid of the mouse
  21. How did the mouse reach the lion after hearing the roar?

    • a) He ran
    • b) He walked slowly
    • c) He flew
    • d) He swam
  22. Why was the lion caught in the net?

    • a) The hunter set a trap
    • b) The lion was sleeping
    • c) The lion wanted to catch the mouse
    • d) The lion was playing
  23. What does the story teach us?

    • a) Always be careful
    • b) Don’t trust others
    • c) Even small creatures can be helpful
    • d) Lions are the strongest
  24. How did the mouse know the lion needed help?

    • a) He saw the net
    • b) He heard the lion’s roar
    • c) The lion sent a message
    • d) Another animal told him
  25. Who set the trap for the lion?

    • a) The mouse
    • b) The hunter
    • c) The lion
    • d) Another animal
  26. What kind of animal was the mouse?

    • a) Strong
    • b) Brave
    • c) Scared
    • d) Careless
  27. Why did the mouse want to help the lion?

    • a) Because he was in danger
    • b) To repay the lion’s kindness
    • c) To escape the jungle
    • d) To show his strength
  28. How did the lion feel when he was caught in the net?

    • a) Excited
    • b) Helpless
    • c) Happy
    • d) Unconcerned
  29. What was the lion doing when the mouse approached him in the net?

    • a) Sleeping
    • b) Roaring
    • c) Running away
    • d) Playing
  30. What was the relationship between the lion and the mouse by the end of the story?

    • a) Enemies
    • b) Friends
    • c) Strangers
    • d) Competitors

5 True/False Questions

  1. The lion was sleeping when the mouse accidentally ran across his face.

    • True / False
  2. The lion ate the mouse after he caught it.

    • True / False
  3. The mouse heard the lion’s roar and came to help him.

    • True / False
  4. The lion freed himself from the net by using his strength.

    • True / False
  5. The lion thanked the mouse for saving his life.

    • True / False

15 Short Answer Questions

  1. Where was the lion sleeping when the mouse ran across his face?

  2. What did the mouse promise to do if the lion let him go?

  3. What happened to the lion a few days after he let the mouse go?

  4. How did the mouse help the lion escape from the net?

  5. What did the lion think when the mouse promised to help him one day?

  6. What did the lion say to the mouse after he was freed from the net?

  7. Why did the lion laugh when the mouse offered to help him?

  8. How did the mouse reach the lion after hearing his roar?

  9. Who set the trap that caught the lion?

  10. What did the mouse chew through to free the lion?

  11. Why was the lion grateful to the mouse?

  12. What lesson does the story teach us?

  13. Why did the lion not eat the mouse when he caught him?

  14. How did the lion feel when he got trapped in the hunter’s net?

  15. What did the lion realize after the mouse saved him?

Here are the answers for the multiple-choice questions:

  1. Where did Aarav live?

    • b) In a small village
  2. What was Aarav’s daily task?

    • b) Collecting firewood
  3. Where did Aarav collect firewood?

    • c) In the forest
  4. What was special about the forest?

    • c) The trees touched the sky
  5. What did Aarav enjoy in the forest?

    • b) Listening to the chirping birds
  6. What sound did Aarav hear one day?

    • c) A faint sound
  7. What did Aarav find after following the sound?

    • b) An injured bird
  8. How was the bird when Aarav found it?

    • c) Injured and lying on the ground
  9. What did Aarav do when he found the bird?

    • b) Took it home
  10. Why did Aarav take the bird home?

    • b) He wanted to nurse it back to health
  11. What did Aarav do to help the bird recover?

    • b) Fed it and kept it warm
  12. How long did it take for the bird to recover?

    • b) A few weeks
  13. What was Aarav’s feeling when the bird recovered?

    • c) Happiness
  14. What did Aarav watch the bird do after it recovered?

    • b) Fly into the sky
  15. Where did Aarav find the bird?

    • b) On the ground
  16. Why did the bird not fly when Aarav first found it?

    • b) It was injured
  17. What was the village surrounded by?

    • b) Tall mountains
  18. What was the weather like in the forest?

    • c) Sunny with sunlight filtering through the leaves
  19. What did Aarav feel as he took care of the bird?

    • b) Responsibility
  20. What lesson did Aarav likely learn from the experience?

    • a) To be kind to animals
  21. What was Aarav’s reaction when the bird flew again?

    • c) He was happy
  22. Which of these best describes Aarav’s character?

    • b) Caring
  23. How did Aarav likely feel when he first found the injured bird?

    • b) Compassionate
  24. What did Aarav most likely do with the bird after it recovered?

    • b) Let it go
  25. What kind of trees were in the forest?

    • b) Tall and touched the sky
  26. How did Aarav feel about the forest?

    • b) Enjoyed the birds and sunlight
  27. What was the first thing Aarav did when he heard the faint sound?

    • b) Followed the sound
  28. How did Aarav likely carry the injured bird home?

    • b) In his hands
  29. What did Aarav feed the bird during its recovery?

    • b) Seeds and berries
  30. What theme does this story reflect?

    • b) Kindness and compassion

30 MCQ Questions

  1. Where did the lion live?

    • b) In a jungle
  2. What did the lion do after having a big meal?

    • b) Slept under a tree
  3. What accidentally ran across the lion’s face?

    • c) A mouse
  4. What did the lion do when he woke up?

    • b) Caught the mouse with his paw
  5. What did the mouse promise the lion?

    • b) To help him one day
  6. Why did the lion laugh?

    • b) Because the mouse said it would help him
  7. What happened to the lion a few days later?

    • a) He got caught in a hunter’s net
  8. What did the lion do when he got caught in the net?

    • b) Roared for help
  9. Who heard the lion’s roar?

    • b) The mouse
  10. How did the mouse help the lion?

    • b) By chewing through the ropes
  11. What was the lion’s reaction after being saved?

    • b) Surprised and grateful
  12. What lesson did the lion learn?

    • b) Small creatures can do big things
  13. What did the lion say to the mouse at the end?

    • b) “Thank you, little friend”
  14. Who set the lion free from the net?

    • b) The mouse
  15. What did the mouse chew through to free the lion?

    • b) The ropes of the net
  16. Where was the lion sleeping when the mouse ran over him?

    • b) Under a tree
  17. How did the lion initially feel when he caught the mouse?

    • b) Angry
  18. What did the mouse ask the lion for?

    • b) To let him go
  19. What did the lion do when the mouse ran across his face?

    • b) Caught the mouse
  20. Why did the lion let the mouse go?

    • b) He didn’t believe the mouse could help him
  21. How did the mouse reach the lion after hearing the roar?

    • a) He ran
  22. Why was the lion caught in the net?

    • a) The hunter set a trap
  23. What does the story teach us?

    • c) Even small creatures can be helpful
  24. How did the mouse know the lion needed help?

    • b) He heard the lion’s roar
  25. Who set the trap for the lion?

    • b) The hunter
  26. What kind of animal was the mouse?

    • b) Brave
  27. Why did the mouse want to help the lion?

    • b) To repay the lion’s kindness
  28. How did the lion feel when he was caught in the net?

    • b) Helpless
  29. What was the lion doing when the mouse approached him in the net?

    • b) Roaring
  30. What was the relationship between the lion and the mouse by the end of the story?

    • b) Friends

5 True/False Questions

  1. The lion was sleeping when the mouse accidentally ran across his face.

    • True
  2. The lion ate the mouse after he caught it.

    • False
  3. The mouse heard the lion’s roar and came to help him.

    • True
  4. The lion freed himself from the net by using his strength.

    • False
  5. The lion thanked the mouse for saving his life.

    • True

15 Short Answer Questions

  1. Where was the lion sleeping when the mouse ran across his face?

    • The lion was sleeping under a tree.
  2. What did the mouse promise to do if the lion let him go?

    • The mouse promised to help the lion one day.
  3. What happened to the lion a few days after he let the mouse go?

    • The lion got caught in a hunter’s net.
  4. How did the mouse help the lion escape from the net?

    • The mouse chewed through the ropes of the net to free the lion.
  5. What did the lion think when the mouse promised to help him one day?

    • The lion laughed because he didn’t believe the tiny mouse could help him.
  6. What did the lion say to the mouse after he was freed from the net?

    • The lion said, “Thank you, little friend.”
  7. Why did the lion laugh when the mouse offered to help him?

    • The lion laughed because he thought the small mouse couldn’t possibly help him.
  8. How did the mouse reach the lion after hearing his roar?

    • The mouse ran to the lion after hearing his roar.
  9. Who set the trap that caught the lion?

    • The trap was set by a hunter.
  10. What did the mouse chew through to free the lion?

    • The mouse chewed through the ropes of the net.
  11. Why was the lion grateful to the mouse?

    • The lion was grateful because the mouse saved his life.
  12. What lesson does the story teach us?

    • The story teaches us that even small creatures can do great things.
  13. Why did the lion not eat the mouse when he caught him?

    • The lion decided to let the mouse go out of kindness.
  14. How did the lion feel when he got trapped in the hunter’s net?

    • The lion felt helpless and trapped.
  15. What did the lion realize after the mouse saved him?

    • The lion realized that small creatures can be helpful and valuable friends.

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