W.B.C.S PRELIMINARY Exam প্রস্তুতির জন্যQuestion 

1. Mother says you ……….. to go the market at once.

A) Have  B) Are  C) shall  D) will

Ans. Have

2. …….. fault is easy.

A) to begin  B) to bury   C) to read   D) to find

Ans. to find

3. ……. his illnes, he attended the function.

A) In spite B) Due  C) As of  D) Despite

Ans. Despite

4. The strem was ……… by the waterfall.

A) Fed  B) Fed up  C) Filed  D) Filled

Ans. Fed

5. A…… star was seen in the sky.

A) Strengthening  B) Shotting  C) shunting  D) staring

Ans. Shotting

6. ‘ puts one in mind’ means.

A) Resolved  B) Decided  C) Remains  D) Received

Ans. Remains

7. No one dre call in question his honesty

A) Honesty of purpose  B) Test  C) Falter  D) challenge

Ans. challenge

8. ‘ Approv’ may be expressed by the following interjection.

A) Ha!  B) Hush!  C) Barvo!  D) Hurrah!

Ans. Barvo!

9. A person on the verge of dealth of an illnesses.

A) seriously ill   B) Terminally ill  C) sporadically ill  D) None of these.

Ans. Terminally ill

10. An endocrinologistdeals with:

A) Teeth  B) Glands  C) Epidemic  D) Heart

Ans. Glands

11. Three was a…….. on the midnight train ( Insert correct pharsal verb)

A) Hold up  B) Hold in  C) Hold D) Hold out

Ans. Hold up

12. A sotic person can:

A) Entice  B) Endure  C) Excite  D) Enable

Ans. Endure

13. Do this in a short time in a…… manner.

A) Former  B) Swift B) Brave  D) unwise.

Ans. Swift

14. He hinded…… some loss treasure.

A) of  B) for  C) with  D) at

Ans. At

15. ‘ Book’ may be used with.

A) Trousers  B) Insects  C) Ticket  D) panting.

Ans. Painting

16. Choose the correct meaning of the word the alternative given below:


A) A grand tour  B) A specific category C) A chauffeur  D) A long list

Ans. A specific category

17. Marry …….. ,we freed from Anxiety.

A) Having arrived  B) Rolling  C) Tattered D) Being arrived.

Ans. Having arrived

18. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word underlined below:

The crowd felt  stupefied  by the lecture.

A) Engulfed  B) Entertained  C) Enthused  D) Encouraged

Ans. Encouraged

19. The silence of the children was sinister.

A) catmp  B) cacophony C) coarse  D) cruently

Ans. cacophony

20. You had better…… permission.

A) want  B) Ask  C) call  D) order

Ans. Ask

21. Who …… saw her did not not pity her?

A) what  B) which  C) That  D) such

Ans. That

22. The sun,…… rays give life to the earth, was regarded by the ancient as good.

A) That  B) whose  C) which  D) whom

Ans. Whose

23. Here is the watch …… you asked.

A) which, for  B) that for  C) for, from  D) this, for

Ans. Which,for

24. The singer was not in vocie

A) Last voice  B) To sing well C) Had a cough  D) sang well

Ans. To sing well

25. ‘ Hand and given golve’ means.

A) Arrogance  B) Enemy  C) Maintain a distance  D) Intimate terms

Ans. Intimate terms


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