The Directive principal of sate policy constitution the Fourth part of the constitution and are unique and novel in so far as they depict the ambition and aspirations of the founding fathers of the constitution.It was laid down that these provisions are not endorseable in any court but they are fundamental in the governmance of the country and it was duty of sate to apply these principal in making laws. The Directive principal have not been properly classified in the constitution,yet they can be conveniently divided into following categories

Economic principal:

1. Equal distribution of wealth and material resources among all classes of people so to prevent its concentration in a few hands .

2. Provisions of a adequate means of live hood to all citizen of the sate.

3.Equal pay for equal similer works for both men and women.

4.To ensure just and human condition of work ,a decent standard of living ,full enjoyment of lestiure and social and caltrual opportunities

5. Maintence and protection of health strength of all citizen

6.To Make provisions for public assistance in case of unemployment ,old age ,sickness , disability and other case of undeserved want.

7. To raise the level of the nutrition and standard of living The enumeration of the above -mentiined economic principles are comparable to fundamental rights guaranteed by the constitution of erstwhile   U.S.S.R .The principles are indicative of the sate desire of the farmers of the constitution to introduce socialism in the country.Through these principles,the sate has been Directed to take steps within the limits of its economic resources, to secure right to work or employment, right to education,right to material security in old age ,sickness and disability  

Gandhian Principal:

1.Prohibition of intoxicating drinks and Durgs.

2.To establish village Panchayat.

3.Free and compulsory education for children up to age of fourteen .

4. The sate shall promate with special care the educational and economic interests weaker section of the people, particularly scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and shall protect them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation

5.Prohibilation of the salaughter of cows and calves and other milch and drought cattle and promote animal husbandry for improving their breed .

6. To set up and promote cottage industries.

Principal for the promotion of international  understanding:

1.To promote international peace and security.

2.To maintain just and hanourable relations between nations.

3. To forest respect for international law and treaty obligations in dealings of organised peoples with one another.

4.To encourage settlement of international disputes by abirtation .


1.To separate judiciary from the executive .

2.To protect monuments and historical buildings.

3.The sate shall endeavour to secure for the citizen uniform civil code thought the territory of India    

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