The governor is the chief Executives Head of the sate in the Indian union. He is aided and assisted in the discharge of his function by a council of Minster. The council of Minster is collectively responsible to the Legislative Assembly of the sate concerned. The Governor is a mere constiutional head of the sate and the real and effective authority with respect to administration of the sate is excrised by the council of  Minster headed by the chief Minister of the sate.

Qulifacation and conditions of Appointment:

The Governor is appointed by the president and holds office during the president and holds office during the pleasure of the president. His trem of office has been fixed for five years but this period can be extended until his successors enters upon his office. He can be removed earlier by the president if he so desires. He has also the option to regain at any time during the term of his office. For being appointed a Governor, a person

1. Must be a citizen of India;
2. Must have completed 35 years of age.
3. Must not hold any other office of profit.
4. Must not be a member of either House of parliament or of any sate legislature. In case he is member of a legislative body in India, he will have have to resign before taking over the charge of his office.

The constitution lays down that the executive powers of a sate shall be vested in the Governor and all excutive actions shall be taken in his name. He makes rules for the convenient transaction of the business of the sate Government. The power of the Governor may be grouped under the following heads:

1. Excutive:

The Governor appoints the council of Minster with the chief Minister as its  head and they hold office at his pleasure. He also appoints important officials of the sate like the Advocate- general, the chairman and members of the sate public services commision, judical appointments below those of judges of High courts, etc. He also consulted by the president while making appointment of High court judges. The chief Minster must communicate to the Governor all decisions of the council of Minsteres relating to administration and legislation.

2. Legislative:

He summons, adjourns and prorogues the sate legislature. He can dissolve the Legislative Assembly, which is the lower house of the sate legislature. All bills passed by the legislative must be referred to him for final approval. At the commencement of the Frist session of the sate legislative every year, the Government delivers and programme of the sate Government for the power coming year. He enjoy the powers of promulgating ordinance during the recess of the sate legislarure, but such ordinances cease to be effective six weeks after the reassembly of the legislative unless approved earlier. The Governor nominates one- sixth of the total strength of the Legislative council from amongst distinguished people in the sphere of science, arts, literature, co-operative movement social services.

3. Financial:

No Money Bill or financial measure or amendment of financial matters can be introduced in the Legislative Assembly without the recommendation of the Governor. The governor sees that the budget is laid before the sate sate legislative every year. But give his assent to a Money Bill. He has no veto power in case of Money Bills.

4. Judical :

The Governor has the power to pradon,commute or suspend sentence of any persons convicted of any offence realting to the excutive power of the sate.

5. Miscellaneous:

During emergency, the Governor can act regardless of the advice of his Minsters. But he must act according to the directions of the president.

Governors of North Indian States
The present Governors of North Indian States are discussed below:
• Jammu and Kashmir – Satya Pal Malik
• Himachal Pradesh – Acharya Dev Vrat
• Punjab – V. P. Singh Badnore
• Uttarakhand – Baby Rani Maurya
• Haryana– Satyadev Narayan Arya
• Rajasthan – Kalyan Singh
• Uttar Pradesh – Ram Naik

Governors of South Indian States
The present Governors of South Indian States are discussed below:
• Andhra Pradesh – E. S. L. Narasimhan
• Karnataka – Vajubhai Vala
• Kerala – P. Sathasivam
• Tamil Nadu – Banwarilal Purohit
• Telangana – E. S. L. Narasimhan

Governors of East Indian States :The present Governors of East Indian States are discussed below:
• West Bengal – Keshari Nath Tripathi
• Bihar – Lalji Tandon
• Jharkhand – Draupadi Murmu
• Odisha – Ganeshi Lal

Governors of West Indian States
The present Governors of West Indian States are discussed below:
• Goa – Mridula Sinha
• Gujarat – Om Prakash Kohli
• Maharashtra – C. Vidyasagar Rao

Governors of Central Indian States
The present Governors of Central Indian States are discussed below:
• Chhattisgarh – Anandiben Patel
• Madhya Pradesh – Anandiben Patel

Governors of North-East Indian States
The present Governors of North-East Indian States are discussed below:
• Arunachal Pradesh – B. D. Mishra
• Assam – Jagdish Mukhi
• Manipur – Najma Heptulla
• Meghalaya – Tathagata Roy
• Mizoram – Kummanam Rajasekharan
• Nagaland – Padmanabha Acharya
• Sikkim – Ganga Prasad
• Tripura – Kaptan Singh Solanki

Governors of Union Territories
The present Governors of Union Territories are discussed below:
• Andaman and Nicobar Islands – Devendra Kumar Joshi
• Chandigarh – V. P. Singh Badnore
• Dadra and Nagar Haveli – Praful Khoda Patel
• Daman and Diu – Praful Khoda Patel
• Delhi – Anil Baijal
• Lakshadweep – Farooq Khan
• Puducherry – Kiran Bedi


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