
It is immediate and temporary care given to a victum of an accident or sudden illness. Its purpose is to preserve life, assist recovery and prevent aggtavation of condition until the services of a doctor can be obtained or during transport to hospital or to the victim.,

In deciding about the nature of case, the Frist Aider must inquire as to how the accident or sudden illness has occurred. This may be obtained for victum ( if conscious) or from witnesses

The important qualities the Frist Aider should are given below:
1) The should respond quickly to call for assistance
2) He should adopt a calm and methodical approch to the victim
3) He should treat obvious injuries and conditions endangering life.
4) If the Frist aid material is readily not available he should be able to use avilable material in hand and try to improvise
5) He should study the surrounding carefully and take appropriate action.
6) He should reassure the victim by giving him moral support.
Bleeding from the nose:
1) Make the patient sit up right in a current of air before an open window his head thrown slightly forward
2) Loosen all right colthing round his neck and chest.
3) Indruct him to keep his mouth open and avoid breathing through the nose.
4) pinch the nose firmly just below the hard part.
5) warn the victim not to bolw the nose.
6) Do not attempted to plug the nose.
Bleeding from ear channel :

This fracture of the base of the skull.Frist Aid consists of-

1) Laying the casualty down with the head slightly raised.
2) Do not plug the ear.
3) Incline the head to the affected side and apply a dry dressing over the ear and bandage lightly.
Bleeding from varicose veins:

Bleeding from- brust varicose vein in the leg is very servere and may be fatal if not quickly controlled.

The Frist aid of :
1) Laying the casualty flat and raising the leg as high as possible.
2)  Apply a clean pad to the bleeding part and bandage frimly.
 3) Lossen any construction, which may imede the circulation.
4) keep the leg raised.

These are caused due to blow anywhere on the surface of the body leading to extensive capillary haemorrhage benath the skin. This also accompanied by discoloration and swelling. In such cases apply cold compress.


Shock is a condition of severe depression of vital functions. Its functions. Its severity varies with nature and extent of injury and it is a common causes of dealth following severe injuries.

General signs and symptoms of shock-
1) Giddiness and fainting
2) Feeling of cold
3) Nausea
4) pallor
5) cold, clammy skin
6) Aslow pulse to begin with which progressively becomes feeble and rapid
7) Vomiting
8) unconscious

General treatment Shock:
1) Reassure the casualty.
2) Lay him on his back with the head low and turned to one side unless three is an injury to the hard, abdomen or chest when the head and shoulders should be slightly raised and supported. If he has vomited or if three is interference with breathing, places him in three- quarters prone position.
3) Loosen the clothing around the neck, chest and waist.
4) warp him in a blanket or rug.
5) if he complanis of thrist he may be given sips of water,tea,coffe or other liquid but not alcohol.
6) Do not apply heat or friction to the limbs. Hot water bottles should not be used.


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