School Health


About, 28% of population is in school age,however all do not attend school. In India,82% of 6-11 years individual are enrolled in scholl, but 40% of them drop out in early years of schooling. The provision and coverage by health services through scholl health services programme thus remains incomplete. More than sixteen million of population in this age group is enrolled as labour class population.

The priority attention to children in this age is thus essential and for the same the Geneva Declaration for child was passed in the year 1924 and the year 1979 was proclaimed to be the international yaer of children.


1. Large number,

about 27% of population is catered through these services.


2. Period growth and development:

when opitum care and provision of facilities is essential to achieve desirable personality


3. Right:

health services is their right


4. Formative and receptive period:

In this age, the growth and development, personality formation, psychosocial make up is being formed; the mind is receptive to conducive Learning opportunity.

5. Primordial prevention:

Can be achieved by inclucating helathful habits from early age.

6. Group living:

is new the child comes out of protected home atmosphere.

7. Captive population:

A large number of in formative receptive yerars of life in school from a controlled population, easily available :-

8. Active participation:

Of children in all sorts of physical, mental and social activities can be achieved so that learning become lasting:

9. Reaching the community through the children,

One can be reach their families, children can set an example for family members and community at large, and an effective rapport is easily established.

Organisation of school Health:

The scholl Health services are organized :- a) privately by individual scholl independently for benefit of its students or privately by a number of scholl on co-operative basis ; b) through public services like through the agency of primary health center or scholl health medical officer at district level. Scholl teacher co ordinate school health services.


Ideally the child must undergo health checkup every year . In partice minimum three times the services should be provided, intially at school entry in sixth year age; secondly at middle school age between 10-11 years of age and third time the services should be provided at high scholl level, or by 14 years of age.

Personal :

The services are rendered periodically by medical officer of PHC/ scholl health medical officer ; on a fixed on a fixed day, fixed time Timetable is prepared by scholl health nurse or MPW and  HA daily by the scholl teacher himself. The field staff at PHC level should carry out atleast biannual height and weight measurement of children in collaboration with school teacher. The teachers. The teachers traning programme should include the various aspects of scholl health.

Aims scholl health services:
The scholl services aim at:
1. Promotion of physical, mental and social growth and development of children.
2. Improvement of learning efficiency by better and nutritional services.
3. Reduction of school absenteesim
4. Treatment of minor ailments and referral.
5. Control and prevention of spread of communicable disaese
6. Physical education and health education throught active participatioy programme.
7. Special services for handicapped children.

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