
Health is a sate complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well- being and not merely absence of a disease. Health also a dynamic concept, which implies that this ” sate of Well_ being”  changes every moment. It also implies that health is as a result of interaction of Multiple factor, some within our control, whereas some beyond the control of human being (e.g environmental & climatic change may be beyond our control) Hence, health is a sate needs to ” achieved” by understanding it’s dynamic, principles and application.

spectrum of Health:

The spectral concept of health is a constantly changing sate, subject to variations. Thus, health spectrum is a fluctuating spectrum between health and Disease. The lowest point of this spectrum is death and highest point is positive health

Determinants of Health:

Health is influenced by multiple factor. The interaction of these may be health promoting or determinants.

The important determinants ( factor) of health are:
1. Heredity
2. Environment
3. Lifestyle
4. Socio economic conditions
5. Health services
6. Other factors ( social & development)



The physical and mental traits of every human being are to some extent determined by the nature of his genes at the time of conception. Sometimes, an individual may have disease due to defective genes. E.g mental retardation, defective structure at birth ( anomaly) or even some types of diabetes, blood disease like thalesemmias Now days ” cloning” of genes is a new technology with which it is possible to prevent some gentic disease  


The environment factor such as housing, water supply, sanitation family support system, have direct on the physical, mental, social well being of a person. E.g communicable disease and Non communicable disease  

Life style:- 

Life style denote ” a way of life” which reflects a whole range of values, attitudes and activities. They are often adopted as a result of social, cultural interaction. Example:- Adoption of ” fast food” consumption over staple diet Patten, smoking, alcohol, and other addictions, sedentary life style, irresponsible behaviour etc Promotion of healthy life- style of the most important and fundamental principles for prevention of disease.  

socio- economic:

The mortality is often seen to be higher in porr. Population. The prevalence of non- communicable disease like diabetes, hypertension, is often seen in the well- do population. Level of education, in both and porr is seen to be positively influencing health. It is now emphasised that health is also the medium to improve socio- economic conditions of the community.  

Health service:

Availability, accessibility, affordability and utilisation of health services, will definitely influence health, in the community. The National programmes are being implemented through the primary health centres in the country, in addition to the regular preventive, promotive curative and Rehabilitative activities. This network health services makes is possible to successfully implemented mass public Health actions. E.g pulse polio programme.  

Other Factor:

Health cannot be achieved in isolation. It is influenced by developmental policies of the country. Thus, health has links with food agriculture, education, industry, social welfare, transport. Rural development sectors also play a great role in determining health of the community For example:- Hike in petrol prices will indirectly increase cost of health care in community   CONCEPT OF HEALTH & DISEASE 


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