Alma ata Declaration 

  1. In the International conference on primary Health care, jointly organised by the WHO and UNICEF in Alma ata, U.S.A.R. in September 1978

  2. The fundamental principles of health development were enunciated and Declaration was made.

  3. This declaration endorsed the earlier resolution of the 30th world Health Assembly (1977) that a minimum level of health for all the citizen of the world would be achieved by the year 2000 A.D

  4. Which would permit them to lead an economically productive and socially useful life

  5. This is popularly known as Health for All ( HFA)

  6. This was to be achieved through primary Health care approach in a sprit of social justice and as a part of overall development.  Development of Health is to be based on self-determination and self – reliance in health on the part of the individual, the community and the nation. There should be more in greatest social need. The health care system should adequately cover the population. The rehabilltative and environment measures. There is a need for social orientation of all categories of health worker to serve the people properly

Health care cannot be achieved by health sector alone. It can be and indeed should be attained through strong national, political commitment and in co- ordinator with efforts  Development is an integrated effort and health care development must draw its sustenance from the development of the other areas. Therefore, the health policy and strategy have to be a part of overall development policies and goals The Alma ata Declaration defines ” primary Health care as” –

Essential health care made universally accessible to individual and families through their full participation and a cost that the community and country can afford

It is important to remember that the health policy of INDIA is based  on this gobal concept of primary health care. All current National Health programmes are an extension of this concept of primary Health care

Concept of primary Health care:

The concept and dimension of primary Health care and also those of health were clearly defined at the international conference held at Alma ata 1978. Helath development should considered as an intergal part of social and economic development

Dimensions of Health:
  1. Health is defined as a sate of complete physical, mental and social well- being and not merely an absence of disease of infirmity

  2. Health is also a fundamental human right and therefore, the attained of the highest level of health is a most important social goal

  3. Achivment of health requires co-ordinated effort of social and economic sectors, besides the health sector.

Characteristics of primary Health care:

Primary health care has the following characteristics

  1. It is essential Health care, which is to be based on partical, scientific sound and socially acceptable methods and technology.

  2. It should be rendered universally accesible to the individual and the families In the community through their full participation.

  3. Its availability should be at a cost, which the community and the country can afford to Mantain at primary Health care,an intergal part of the country’s health system should be a central function and main agent for delivering health care. It is the Frist level of contract of the individual, the family and the community with the national health system, brining healthcare nearer to people. The primary health care is thus, provision of preventive, promotive, curative and re- habillitative health services, to the people

Essential components of primary Health care:

For effective primary Health care the following eight essential components are to be implemented in an integrated manner, through the primary health centers and sub- center, urban health centers, and health post, established throughout the country in every state.

  1. Education of the people about prevailing health problems and method of preventing and controlling them.

  2. Promotion of food supply and proper nutrition.

  3. Adequate supply of safe water and basic sanitation.

  4. Maternal and child health care and family planning.

  5. Immunization against major infection disease .

  6. Prevention and control of locally endemic disease.

  7. Appropriate treatment of common disease and injuries

  8. Provision of drugs


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