Dynamics of Disease Transmission
DYNAMICS OF DISEASE TRANSMISSION Disease is spread in many different ways, from the source or reservoir of infection to a susceptible human host. It is essential to know the manner in which diseases are transmitted…
DYNAMICS OF DISEASE TRANSMISSION Disease is spread in many different ways, from the source or reservoir of infection to a susceptible human host. It is essential to know the manner in which diseases are transmitted…
Information, Education and communication (IEC) Health Education is a powerful of disease and promotion of Health. If a person recevies accurate information about preventing a disease or about enhancing his or hers own health, it…
Health Information And Basic Statistics Elementary statistics: It appears that the word ‘ statistics’ is devried from the Latin word ‘ status’ or the Italian word ‘statisa’ which means a political state. It was originally…
Health Administration In india Health planing in India : Health planing in India is an intergal part of of national socioeconamic planing The guidelines for maternal health planing were provided by a number of commitees….
National Malaria Eradication programme Serval national Health programmes are being implemented as centrally sponsored schemes aimed mainly at reduction of mortality and morbodity caused by major disease. Some programmes are for Health promotion and for…
NUTRITION Indroduction to Basic Nutrition: Good nutrition promotes body and mind. It also aids resistance to illness. When we eat a proper diet, our energy and vitality are increased. The right foods speed the healing…
THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION 1) Birth of WHO: After the second world war, the United Nations organisation(UNO) was established in 1945, to maintain world peace and security. Some member countries, especially representatives of Brazil and…
Alma ata Declaration In the International conference on primary Health care, jointly organised by the WHO and UNICEF in Alma ata, U.S.A.R. in September 1978 The fundamental principles of health development were enunciated and Declaration…
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