1) Birth of WHO:

After the second world war, the United Nations organisation(UNO) was established in 1945, to maintain world peace and security. Some member countries, especially representatives of Brazil and china proposed that an international health organisation should be established and that conference to frame it’s constitution should be convened. An international health conference of 51 nations was then held in New York in 1946. The constitution was ratified by Member staes by 7 April, 1948, on which day the WHO officially came into existence. This day is hence celebrated every year as the world Health world Day.  A world Health Day theme is chosen each year to focus attention on a specific of public Health.

2) constiution of WHO:

The constitution was drafted by the Technical preparatory committee” under the chairmanship of Dr. Rene of Brussels, a pioneer of a social Medicine and Dr. Brock chisholme, a Canadian psychiatrist The main objective of the WHO is ” attainment by all people of the highest level of health” which is set out in the preamble of the constitution. The following are some of its caluses.

  • 1. ‘Health is a sate of complete physical, mental and social well- being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.’
  • 2. ‘The enjoyment of the highest attained standard of health is one of the fundamental right of human right of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social conditions.’
  • 3. ‘The health of all people is fundamental to the attainment of peace and security and is dependent upon the fullest co-operation of individual and sates’
  • 4. ‘The extension to all people of benefits of medical, psychologocial, and related knowledge is essential to the fullest attainment of health’.
  • 5. ‘Government have a responsibility for the health of their people which can be fulfilled only by the provision of adequate health and social measurement’.
3. Organisation structure of WHO:

The WHO consists of of three principal organ

  • 1. The world Health Assembly – legislative organ( kin to a parliament)
  • 2. Executive Board – executive organ ( kin to parliament)
  • 3. Secretariat – adminstrative organ
Division of the WHO:
  • (1) Division of Epidemidogical surveillance and Health situation and Trend Assessment.
  • (2) Division of communicable Disease.
  • (3) Division of vector Biology and control.
  • (4) Division of Environment Health.
  • (5) Division of public Information and Education for Health.
  • (6) Division of Mental Health.
  • (7) Division of Diagnostic, Therapeutics and Rehabilltative Technology.
  • (8) Divison of Strengthening of Health Services.
  • (9) Division of Family Health.
  • (10) Division of Non- communicable Disease.
  • (11) Division of Health Manpower Development.
  • ( 12) Division of Informations system Support.
  • (13) Divison of Personel and General Service
  • (14) Division of Budget and Finance
4. Membership and Regions of WHO:

Membership in WHO is open to all countries. Currently there are 190 member sates and 2 ( Puerto Rico and Tokelau) are its Associated Member. It’s headquarters are at Geneva, Switzerland.

In other to meet the special health needs of different areas, WHO has established 6 region each with its own headquarters as ( Table-1) mentioned below. Each office is headed by the Regional Director,assisted by technical & adminstrative officer, and member of the secretariat. Each region has its own Regional commite composed of representatives of member states, which meets once a year to review the work done. The regional plans are amalgamated into overall plans for the organisation by the organisation by the Director General.

Table-1 WHO Regional Organisation 

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